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Frequently asked questions

Browse through our frequently asked questions to find answers to your questions. If you can’t find what you’re after, contact us or give us a call!

How does the fibre installation work?

After placing your order for fibre, we’ll automatically schedule for you the first available installation appointment. You’ll receive a text message with the appointment date and time. You can always change the appointment if needed.

On the day of the installation appointment a friendly technician will come to your home to install your fibre. If the technician has any difficulty finding your address then they’ll call you, so please be ready to answer the phone! Please bear in mind that if they can’t reach you on the phone, the appointment may have to be cancelled.

Once the technician arrives, you or another person of legal age should be present during the installation. If you already have had fibre in your home with another provider, the installation should be very quick usually taking around an hour. If it’s a brand new fibre installation, it may take a little longer. The installation time varies from house to house.

Your fibre service will be activated once the technician completes the installation. You can then enjoy the service and start browsing, streaming, and much more at ultra-fast speeds!

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