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Frequently asked questions

Browse through our frequently asked questions to find answers to your questions. If you can’t find what you’re after, contact us or give us a call!

When will my fibre service be activated and how is my first month charged?

After placing your order for fibre, we’ll schedule as soon as possible an installation appointment with you. You can choose a day and a time which is both suitable and convenient for you. Once your appointment has been scheduled, you can always change it later if needed.

On the day of the installation appointment one of our friendly technicians will come to your home to install your fibre. Your fibre service will be activated once the technician completes the installation. You can then enjoy the service and start browsing, streaming, and much more at ultra-fast speeds!

For your first month we’ll only charge you the days that your fibre service has been active in that month, by prorating the monthly price of your fibre plan. So, if your fibre was activated in the middle of the month, then you’d only pay half the monthly price of your fibre plan for the first month.

The charge for the first month will be made on the same day that the fibre is installed and activated or the day after.

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